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Beginning Spinning with Sara

435 Popps Ford Road, York Haven, PA, United States

Learn about different types of wools and their uses for different styles of yarn, the process of washing raw wool, how to prepare worsted and woolen yarns using wool combs and hand carders, and how to operate a drum carder.


Chain Warping

435 Popps Ford Road, York Haven, PA, United States

How do you chain warp your loom-front to back or back to front? Maybe you were taught only one way to warp your loom and have always wondered about the other way.


Shaker Rag Rugs

435 Popps Ford Road, York Haven, PA, United States

Reversible Rag Rugs

435 Popps Ford Road, York Haven, PA, United States

Zig Zag Rag Rugs

435 Popps Ford Road, York Haven, PA, United States

Weaving Theory and Drafting

435 Popps Ford Road, York Haven, PA, United States

Do you get discouraged with your weaving because you lack some of the basic knowledge that's needed to plan a project?


Beginning Weaving

435 Popps Ford Road, York Haven, PA, United States

Learn to Weave on a Rigid Heddle

435 Popps Ford Road, York Haven, PA, United States

The class will cover fundamental information including warp calculations and appropriate yarn choices, plus explore two different techniques for dressing the loom.
