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Sashiko 101

Dates: May 29, 2024 - May 30, 2024

Cost per ticket: $265.00

About Class

Quickly on the rise in popularity here in the United States, Sashiko stitching has captured the hearts of fiber artist for it’s portability, graphic design work and ease of creating. Used first and traditionally in Japan as a form of mending tattered fabrics quickly became not only a means of extending the life of a garment, but as a beautiful mark making technique.

In this two day workshop Sara will introduce you to the history, traditional and modern day materials and tools as well as the stitching techniques. We will begin with a pre-printed cotton fabric from Japan getting used this “off hoop” embroidery technique looking at the strong contrast between the simple single color background and stitching thread.

On day two we will look at designing your own piece. We will discuss and look at tools, explore the preparation of fabric and the transferring of our own pattern onto fabric before we begin stitching. Treat yourself to a fun new challenge or bring along a friend for two days of no pressure stitching that require no previous experience!

All materials are included with your tuition.

Class Cancellations & Refunds

Class Times

All classes run 9am - 5pm unless otherwise indicated in the description above.

Wait List

For class dates that are full, please feel free to call us here at the studio and have your name place on the wait list.

Class Cancellations & Refunds

This class's instructor

Sara Bixler

Sara is the owner and resident instructor of Red Stone Glen Fiber Arts Center. Many of Sara’s students praise her ability to guide students through the challenging world of color theory, specifically relating to weaving.


Sashiko 101 - Red Stone Glen
Sashiko 101 - Red Stone Glen