The Shakers, a religious community recognized for their distinctive designs in furniture and high quality of craftsmanship, started weaving rag rugs in the 1840’s.
We've woven rag rugs, but we're always searching for the next fun challenge. In this fun approach to weaving a rag rug we will utilize a wide range of striped fabrics to create effects that zig and zag or roll like waves.
Lets weave a Rag Rug that has two totally different sides. We'll prepare and warp your loom with a dark colored warp, you bring two contrasting cotton fabrics for two days of fun!
Learn about different types of wools and their uses for different styles of yarn, the process of washing raw wool, how to prepare worsted and woolen yarns using wool combs and hand carders, and how to operate a drum carder.
Many weavers can follow a pattern from a book or magazine article but lack the confidence to venture out on their own to create the 8 shaft threading, tie-up and treadling.
For many weavers, the ease of using a modern loom with the capability to simply depress a treadle to create weave structures can be wonderfully accessible and liberating.