Already taken a basic weaving class, but having problems when it comes time to warp the loom?
This workshop is intended to help you think beyond the obvious possibilities of a given threading and treadling.
How do you chain warp your loom-front to back or back to front? Maybe you were taught only one way to warp your loom and have always wondered about the other way.
One of our most ancient forms of weaving, inkle weaving has its roots in other warp faced weave structures such as backstrap weaving.
Are you stumped looking for the next way to take your temari skills further?
The Shakers, a religious community recognized for their distinctive designs in furniture and high quality of craftsmanship, started weaving rag rugs in the 1840’s.
We've woven rag rugs, but we're always searching for the next fun challenge. In this fun approach to weaving a rag rug we will utilize a wide range of striped fabrics to create effects that zig and zag or roll like waves.